Monday, October 2, 2017

What Are The Best Foods For October

Seasonal foods are always the best options for your menu. We all crave the occasional cherries in winter, for instance, but it is best to keep it simple and choose the ones that are fresh at the moment. You would think summer offers the most variety in terms of good foods, but you would be surprised at what amazing stuff October is bringing! Take a look at our list:

  • Apples: they are a great source of fibers and antioxidants. You can eat any kind – whether they are sweet or sour, and both raw or baked with cinnamon, depending on your taste. Don’t forget about the peel since it contains lots of the healthy ingredients!
  • Sweet potatoes: if you have not tried them yet, you definitely need to! They are richer in nutrients than regular potatoes, and besides their taste is amazing. They contain vitamin A and iron, and also some of their ingredients have an anti-inflammatory function for the organism.
  • Grapefruit: its pretty pink color and specific, rather sour taste makes it a little more different than other citrus fruit. You can enjoy it in a freshly-squeezed juice form, or even add it to your salad! Yes, salads with any greens, avocado and grapefruit will bring a certain freshness to your menu. Or if you are a fan of chicken, you can look for a good recipe online, combining these two. Grapefruit reduces cholesterol and gives your organism a good amount of vitamin C.
  • Cauliflower: its sweet taste makes it perfect for cold weather. You can add to mashed potatoes, cream soup or just eat in a steamed form. It contains lots of vitamin C, reduces cholesterol also and prevents the formation of cancer cells in your body.
  • Pumpkins: helloooo, it’s Halloween season after all! Baked pumpkin with walnuts and honey is a great dessert for the season. Its sweet taste and soft texture makes it a great food. But its content is also impressive: Omega-3 fats, vitamin A and vitamins from the B group are just among some of its benefits!

We hope we gave you some great ideas of what your menu should look like in the next month, so run to the store to get these great foods to keep you healthy during the cold season!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Elle a perdu 15 kilos en 6 semaines en faisant ceci chaque soir avant d’aller au lit

Avec le laisser-aller et les mauvaises habitudes alimentaires on se retrouve parfois confronté à des kilos en trop et exposé à différentes maladies et s’en débarrasser n’est pas une tâche aisée.

Les causes et les conséquences de la graisse abdominale :

La graisse abdominale peut s’accumuler à cause d’un régime alimentaire trop calorique, un manque d’activité physique, la prise de certains médicaments, un trouble hormonal, ou encore un facteur génétique.
  En plus d’avoir un côté inesthétique, la graisse abdominale est également nocive pour la santé. En effet, elle ne se limite seulement à se loger sous la peau mais enveloppe également les organes internes ce qui la rend tout à fait dangereuse. Elle peut entrainer des maladies cardiovasculaires ou le diabète. 

La perte de poids avec l’âge :

Généralement, plus on avance dans l’âge et moins notre corps est performant, notamment lorsqu’il s’agit de la perte de poids. Les hormones entrent dans ce processus et rendent plus difficile l’élimination de la graisse. Les femmes ayant dépassé les 40 ans éprouvent plus de difficultés à perdre du poids surtout dans certaines parties de leurs corps comme le ventre. En effet, la graisse abdominale est l’une des graisses les plus récalcitrantes à perdre. Voici un remède efficace pour vous aider à l’éliminer.

Comment perdre la graisse abdominale ?

Pour perdre du poids, deux solutions s’offrent à nous : une alimentation saine et la pratique régulière de sport. Un coach appelé Andrew Raposo a développé une méthode pour perdre du poids rapidement, voici ses conseils :
  • Buvez du thé au gingembre : Prendre un thé de gingembre avant d’aller au lit booste le métabolisme et le système digestif. Une petite racine de gingembre frais dans une tasse d’eau chaude fera l’affaire.
  • Consommez plus de potassium : La consommation de plus de potassium le soir aide à réduire le ballonnement du ventre et favorise le transit intestinal.
  • Ajoutez de la coriandre à vos plats : La coriandre aide à aplatir le ventre et faciliter la digestion.
  • Evitez de trop manger le soir : Il est recommandé d’arrêter de manger 2 à 3 heures avant d’aller au lit.
  • Pratiquez une activité physique : Même après une longue journée de travail essayez au moins de marcher 15 à 20 minutes.
  • Evitez les produits laitiers : Préférez le lait de chèvre ou le lait végétal.
  • Dégustez du chocolat noir : Avec un taux minimum de cacao 70%. Le chocolat noir stimule les bactéries utiles à la digestion.

Andrew Raposo conseille également une liste d’aliments à avoir chez soi en raison de leur richesse nutritive : il a privilégié certains aliments plus que d’autres, voici les différents types d’aliments et leurs sources de bienfaits : 
  1. Pour une source de protéines : Blanc de poulet, dinde, bœuf (ne pas dépasser 2 fois par semaine), œufs, saumon, poissons gras et fruits de mer.
  2. Pour une source de bons gras : Huile d’olive, avocat, huile de coco, noix.
  3. Pour une source de glucide : Patate douce, Quinoa.
  4. Pour une source de vitamines et de minéraux : Fruits et légumes.
En plus de ces conseils, voici une recette amincissante et relaxante à déguster avant de dormir :

Ingrédients : 

  • 1 cuillère à café de miel bio
  • 1 cuillère à café de cannelle
  • 1 tasse d’eau bouillante
Dans la tasse d’eau chaude, ajoutez le miel et la cannelle et bien mélanger. Buvez ce mélange avant de dormir et débarrassez-vous de vos kilos superflus.  

Bienfaits des ingrédients de la recette sur la perte de poids :

Miel : il est connu pour ses nombreuses vertus antitoxiques et curatives. Le miel est aussi efficace contre l’élimination de graisse durant le sommeil. Il participe à une bonne digestion en éliminant les déchets. Il prévient de cette façon l’accumulation de la graisse.
Cannelle : Grâce à son action chauffante – la thermogénèse-, cette épice brûle les graisses. En effet, elle augmente la température du corps qui puise dans ses réserves de graisses pour retrouver une température normale. La cannelle  permet également de faciliter la digestion. 
Eau chaude : Tout le monde connait les bienfaits indispensables de l’eau. Dans le cadre minceur, l’eau permet de booster l’activité de l’organisme.

Mise en garde :

  La prise de la cannelle est déconseillée aux les femmes enceintes et aux enfants de moins de 2 ans. A consommer avec modération, car à forte dose elle provoque des palpitations et des nausées.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

This Powerful Exercise Wil Help You Get Flat Stomach And Lose Weight Fast!

You can get rid of the belly fat in just three weeks by doing the following yoga technique. It will strengthen the abdominal muscles and make the abdominal area flat. The more it is done, the more soon the results will be noticeable.

You have to do it at least five times and if you can even more. It may appear difficult in the beginning, but you shouldn’t give up. As it is repeated more and more, it will become more easily.
You should lie on the back and place the hands beside the body.

Bend the knees and relax the muscles. Breathe in slowly and breathe out. Pull the muscles on the stomach inward as much as possible and hold the breath for fifteen seconds. Then, gently breathe out and release the muscles.
After ten seconds, pull again the abdominal muscles and hold for another ten seconds and breathe out. Relax the muscles and release the air from the lungs before you pull the muscles in again.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

This 3-Ingredient Drink Will Help You Lose Weight Fast!

The following remedy is for all those who want to lose weight. It consists 3 ingredients: cinnamon, lemon and honey.

Warm water, lemon and honey are known to improve digestion, aid in weight loss and cleanse the body of toxins. It is due to the pectin content in the lemon which keep cravings at bay and help you feel satiated for a longer time.

This mixture makes an alkaline atmosphere in the stomach that helps in the better breakdown of fat.
The cinnamon improves digestion, regulates the insulin production and the carbohydrate breakdown. It also improves the nutrient assimilation from the food that is consumed, which helps you feel satiated.

Needed ingredients:

-1 glass of warm water;
-1 tbs. of honey;
-1 tsp. of freshly grounded cinnamon powder;
-Juice of ½ a lemon;


Put the cinnamon powder in a glass and add the honey and lemon juice. Mix them until you get a paste and add the warm water. Mix well.
Consume it once a day on an empty stomach.
This remedy shouldn’t be used instead of medical advice and you should consult with a doctor before you try it. Remember that the appetite suppressants that are bought in a store can be dangerous and may not help with weight loss goals.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

8 reasons your hair colour looks cheap

1. You coloured your hair too far from your natural shade. If your hair colour is naturally a light brown and you've dyed it to be an unnatural-looking, solid blue-black hue, it's going to be obvious. Not that you can't go darker, but choose the right shade (i.e. a deep chestnut brown over the blue-black, for example), so it doesn't look forced and fake. In general though, "the most important thing to do when colouring your hair is to emulate your natural shade as much as possible and only go one to two shades darker or lighter," Friedman says.

2. You went crazy with the highlights and they look fake rather than sun-induced.Highlights are meant to do just that: highlight, so your hair shines, has dimension, and makes your facial features and skin colour pop. They're also supposed to look like they were caused by the sun, so when you over-highlight your entire head or go too light, not only will they look fake as soon as you step out of the salon, but also the lines of demarcation near your roots as the highlighted pieces grow out will be more severe. "To get a natural look and seamless grow-out period, ask your stylist for a nice balance of highlights throughout your hair so it grows in softer," Friedman says. Or request balayage (when a colourist paints on highlights) instead of foils (where strands are folded up into aluminium foil sheets). "Balayage is a technique that has a more organic look overall because the closer the dye is to your roots, the softer the line is when your hair grows in," she says. "Plus, with foils, the bleach is only applied to the hair that goes into the foils, whereas balayage is more diffused, since it gets on adjacent hairs as it's painted on."
3. You asked for a few super-chunky highlights and now you have tiger stripes. If having prominent highlights is what you want, talk to your colourist first to make sure she uses the veining technique, which mixes up thicknesses and makes highlights thinner toward the root and thicker by the ends, Friedman says. "This creates a clear highlighting effect that still reads as natural-looking."
4. You dyed your roots yourself, went too dark, and now your hairline looks shoe polish-y. "The hairs along your hairline are finer than the rest of your strands, so they tend to absorb hair colour quicker and can look darker," she says. So, whether you're covering greys, just want to richen your natural colour, or altering your hue altogether and going a little darker, choose a second box colour that's about one shade lighter for the face-framing pieces, and match your natural colour as best as possible for the all-over shade.
5. You totally disregard your complexion when choosing your hair colour. Sure, you could just choose a hair colour and not base it off of anything, but if you consider your complexion, it will look more natural and suit your skin tone better. No one knows what look best on your colouring like a pro, so even before you pick a box shade, book a consultation with a colourist to get an idea of all your colour options based on your skin tone, eye colour, and brow colour.
6. You're using one colour to dye your entire head of hair. Applying one shade of, say, dark brown all over your head every time you dye it can cause your hair colour to look flat. It could even alter the ends of your hair to a darker shade, like black, without you intending on it (since they're so porous and absorb colour quickly). To make sure you create dimension, even if you're using one colour, Friedman suggests applying hair colour starting at the back of your head first, not the front. "If you apply the dye at your hairline first, it will sit on the thin face-framing pieces longer and over-absorb," she says. "Plus, the darkest part of your hair is supposed to be in the back, since the sun usually bleaches out and lightens your hairline, which naturally leaves the hair toward your crown darker." If your hairline has a few stray greys, don't touch them with colour until the last five minutes before you have to rinse out the dye, because they'll grab too dye much otherwise.
7. You dye your hair from roots to ends every single time you colour it. If you have regrowth, you're only supposed to coat the roots with colour, diffusing it slightly into the rest of your hair about about an inch or so past the regrowth. "If you apply dye from root to end every time, the result will be that your mid-shaft to ends will continue to get darker and darker, and over time will look too heavy," Friedman says. When it comes to highlights, be sure your colourist doesn't coat the entire length of strands with bleach every time you get a touch-up. Because eventually, the ends of hair will become not only super light but also more damaged, which will cause tips to look dull and fade faster than the rest of your hair.
8. You bleached your brown hair and now it's orange. When trying to go from super dark to really light, a pro is necessary. That's because box colour isn't able to fully lift dark pigment out of strands. Plus, when you're at the salon, a colourist will know the exact amount of peroxide needed (and how long to leave it on for) to get your natural hue past the orange phase. "A colourist can decide on the precise peroxide level to use to get the target colour and factor in how damaged your hair is, which you can't take into account when your doing it yourself," Friedman says.

Monday, January 9, 2017

The Best Miracle drink to drink before sleep burns fat for full full 8hours

Monday, January 2, 2017

Get Rid Of Back Fat, Arm, Thigh And Belly With Baking Soda! Here Is How To Prepare It!

1.Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
-        ½ teaspoon of baking soda
-        A glass of water
-        2 tbsp of ACV
Dissolve the soda in the water, add the ACV and mix well. Drink this miracle in the morning on an empty stomach and you will melt fat and lose weight in a short period of time!
2. Grapefruit, lemon juice and baking soda
-        ½ glass of water
-        A teaspoon of baking soda
-        1 grapefruit or lemon
Dissolve the soda in the water and then add the grapefruit or lemon juice. Drink this potion 20 min before breakfast! Consume it until you get desired results!
3. Fruits with Baking Soda
-        A tsp of baking soda
-        A bunch of fresh mint leaves
-        A cup of organic strawberries
-        2 cups of water
-        2 organic lemons
Place all the ingredients in a blender, and mix well. Drink it 2 times per day and say goodbye to the corporal fat in your body. Try to avoid the consumption of sugars, flour and fast foods! The incorporation of baking soda will do wonders to your overall health.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Squished Cucumber Weight Loss Recipe – Lose More Then 7Kg In Just 14 Days!! Pay Close Attention On The Preparation Method!!!

  • Coffee and tea with no sugar
  • 150 g of tuna
  • 2 boiled potatoes
  • 2 boiled potatoes or 3 pieces of whole wheat bread
  • 300 g of fresh fruit
You can also consume cucumber shake or fresh cucumber salad as a snack. Consume them whenever you feel hungry.
Diet Plan
Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs and cucumber salad
Snack: 5 plums, 1 peach or 1 apple
Lunch: cucumber salad and whole wheat bread

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